We are the light of the world and our lives and character is expected to reflect Christ. Just like Daniel in the bible, he stood for what he believes even when he was faced with trials and challenges.
My aunt came visiting some time again and she was telling us how the farming season has been difficult for a lot of people in the village as a result of the flood. She went on to tell us how thieves steal from their farms in the village when it is time for harvest. Before they go and harvest, most of their farm produce are gone.
The funny thing is that, these thieves don’t steal from the farms of those that attach a red cloth to their farms because they are idol worshippers and stealing from such farms means death. One of us suggested she also tie a red cloth to her farm, not that she will attach anything to it but just to scare them away. She said, she actually had it in mind at a time but her daughter told her not to do it.
This is what she said her daughter told her “mummy, don’t do it. This people know your farm even the people you share boundary with and they know you to be a Christian. When you do that what will they say? They will say, have she joined us too, we thought she is a Christian and goes to church always. The only thing you will do is to pray that the Lord should turn the faces of these thieves from your farm”.
As Christians, we don’t have to follow the world but know our place and identity in Christ. Stand for what you believe. You don’t have to sit on the fence. Let the world and everyone around you know that you stand for the Lord Jesus Christ no matter what. For some Christians anything goes for them. The world’s pattern and system have become their pattern and system. They want to follow trends. Pause and think, is this trend in alignment with God’s word? We need to understand that even though we are in this world, we are not of this world.
We are the light of the world and our lives and character is expected to reflect Christ. Just like Daniel in the bible, he stood for what he believes even when he was faced with trials and challenges. If you are for the Lord affirm your stand today. You shouldn’t be a Christian that people will see and question your stand with God.Â

Erabere Monica
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