Treat each person you come across as a gift. 99.9% of the time, the answer to your prayers is wrapped in a gift called HUMANS
Of recent, I have really been dwelling on the fact that we are not meant to do life alone and how in most cases, vulnerability is not always a weakness. I am actually working on how vulnerable I should become, because I have come to the full point of realization that we have gifts all around us and those gifts are MEN – the gift of men.
I am yet to get to the point of full vulnerability, I am a work in progress and sharing this article to help someone out there is another sign of vulnerability to me. Yay! That’s progress.
I have always been of the mindset that you should be able to do whatever it is you want all by yourself, and so I would rather carry out every task by myself and not ask for help even when there might be people willing to render help.
“I just do not want to inconvenience someone else”, I kept saying to myself. And even when people reach out to assist, I would rather say “I’m fine, thank you” rather than accept their offer to help.
“You are proud!”, some persons will say. It is a form of pride, you are probably thinking to yourself right now. But can I tell you it is not pride. I actually do not see myself as a proud person, neither do I envy proud people. Writing this article now, I’m trying so hard to place what the issue is then…..scared of rejections? Yes. Building walls around myself so I do not have to depend on anyone for anything? Most likely… Pride? I strongly doubt.
Although, I started working on being a vulnerable person few months back (slow progress, lol), something happened few weeks ago that prompted me to pick up this topic and talk about it again.
Few weeks ago, I needed to carry out a task and I knew I needed the help of people to carry out these tasks for me. I could have done it all alone because I have actually done a lot of something similar without reaching out to anyone for help, but for this tasks to be “successful”, I needed people and so I set out. I was going to tell people I needed their help, I was ready to face the rejections if there would be any, and so I did it; I did it afraid but I did it anyways.
Guess what? The responses were soul-lifting, people were receptive and more than willing to carry out the tasks for me. It got me thinking about how much I have missed out on a whole lot of things because of the walls I have built around me; the mindsets I have let become a stronghold in me. The scale fell off my eyes and once more, there was a shift in my thinking.
All I have to do is ask, it doesn’t make me a lazy person. All I have to do is share with someone whatever it is I was passing through, there is a system of men built around me. They are not there to be a figure heads. All I have to do is reach out to someone. God placed them there as a support system, and also placed me where I am as a support system for someone else. And as much as I help people, I must also be willing to receive help. We all as humans are not meant to do life alone.
How did the project go? You might be asking. Lol. It was successful, I wouldn’t have gotten such an awesome outcome as I did if I hadn’t reached out for help.
As you step into a new year, I hope my experience blesses you as much as it blessed me. I hope it changes your mindset,; I hope you get enlightened; Ihope you face your fears and the mindsets that has become stronghold in your heart. Finally, I hope that you see value in men and make maximum use of the systems and men that God has placed around you.
Treat each person you come across as a gift. 99.9% of the time, the answer to your prayers is wrapped in a gift called HUMANS.
I have a video tiltled: YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO DO LIFE ALONE, where I shared a detailed and personal experience on vulnerability. Click on this link to watch, if interested.
You already know, I love you and God does also.

Omoh Elizabeth (Lizzylass).
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