Young depressed man sitting on floor.
In life, we need to understand that we are all at different stages and seasons of our lives and we should live without comparison but with contentment. We might have classmates, school mates, teammates and any other mate we can think of but there is no life mate. We all go at our own pace. When we are contented, there will not be room for any comparison.
Comparison and discontentment is a demon that has plagued our society today, and this drives people to do what they are not expected to do; thereby resulting in wickedness, envy and jealousy. What is contentment? Contentment means to be happy with what you have, who you are, and where you are. It is respecting the reality of the present. It is appreciating what you do have and where you are in life. Contentment does not mean the absence of desire; it just means you are satisfied with your present, and you trust that the turns your life takes will be for the best.
While I was in the market some weeks back, a pregnant woman walked into the shop I was to get something. When she walked in, she exchanged pleasantries with another lady who was in the shop carrying a little baby. While the pleasantries were on they smiled at each other and exuded happiness. As this happened, a thought crossed my mind and looking at these two ladies, they had something in common which was a baby. The only difference is that they are at different stages of motherhood. One was still carrying her baby in the womb while the other is already carrying her baby in her hands.
In life, we need to understand that we are all at different stages and seasons of our lives and we should live without comparison but with contentment. We might have classmates, school mates, teammates and any other mate we can think of but there is no life mate. We all go at our own pace. When we are contented, there will not be room for any comparison. Comparing ourselves to others allows them to drive our behavior. It is a recipe for unhappiness as it makes your environment toxic, distract you mentally, create insecurities and keep you on the edge.
When we compare ourselves to others, we usually compare their best features against ours. You have your journey so does everyone else do have theirs. Stop comparing, Mr. A has a better job than me, all my mates are married etc. should be avoided. It’s funny how the people you are comparing yourself with are too busy executing their vision and they are not even comparing their life with yours. “But Godliness with contentment is great gain” 1 Tim. 6:6. When you focus internally and stop comparing between people, you start being better at what really matters; and living in contentment is all that matters!

Erabere Monica
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