Message Of Encouragement
It’s time for joy. It’s time for praise. Its time to dance. Its time to believe. It’s time to celebrate. It’s time to move yourself out of the way.
It’s time for joy. It’s time for praise. Its time to dance. Its time to believe. It’s time to celebrate. It’s time to move yourself out of the way.The things you’ve gone through is for a purpose, it has led you to this moment. Psalm 30:11 – “You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.”
It is time to reach the world. The world is crying out for you. Where is your joy? Where is your love? Where is the peace of God? It is found in you. If you are in Jesus Christ, it is in you.Listen. People need you. Get up. Rise up. Stand up. The storm is over because you have the ability to determine it. Turn it over to the Lord and allow Him fight your battles.
The Lord says He will deliver you out of all your troubles. You are now turning your ear to the Word of the Lord. The voice of encouragement. The voice of hope and life. Listen carefully, listen sure and listen strong. 1 John 4:4 says: “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.“
I am telling you to get up. To remember that He is with you. The God of the Universe, Abba Father and the Holy Spirit is in you. Open up your mouth and decree a thing and it shall be established (Job 22:28).
Stop looking at, reading about and believing what people, the news and the circumstances are saying to you.. Raise up a praise. Raise up a shout unto God. Pray unto the warrior Jehovah (Exo. 15:3). El shaddai – the God of might – calls you forth. To decree and declare His name above all names. Jesus the Christ; the anointed one.
He is the one that hears, the one that sees, the one that knows. Stop putting your trust in flesh and put your trust In God. He is knocking on your heart. He is tapping on your shoulder and trying to get your attention. He is willing and able to turn your circumstances around.
He has done it for me and He will do it for you. For every child of mine that passed, negative word spoken towards me, lie and betrayal it rolls off my back, I believe I am anointed of the most High God. He is with me; He is in you and with you.

In every situation, circumstance and storm, He does not want to be the co-pilot; He is the pilot. Stop trying to drive the bus! He has already been there. He has a track record of deliverance, healing and power. He is salvation and He is a sure thing. Only believe all of these things. (Romans 8:28,29)
All things work together for your good! Get your praise and shout on. Move that hard heart out of the way and let Him move through you. It’s not finished because the Lord God Almighty is not through with you yet. He’s got you. Let him lead and guide you. (Psalm 32:8). Give him the pain, the bad memories, the hate and grief. All of it and be free; be free in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!!!!
You are called to do something great, awesome and powerful. Raising children? Raise them in Jesus name. Do it all in Jesus Name; cook, dishwasher, teacher, preacher, prophet, car dealer, telephone operator or librarian. I don’t care what you do. You are destined to break free, great and live an abundant life. (JOHN 10:10).
You are designed to impact others; tens, hundreds of thousands and even millions. You are called to them. Go out in Jesus name and get them. God is raising up a mighty army and you are part of that army. You are not defeated, you are a winner and you are victorious in life. Receive it, walk in it and be it in Iesus name.

Prophetess Davina Stallworth
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