Bible on the table with heart shaped pages.
Love So True
I want to write about love today because I love – LOVE.
The greatest, truest, purest form of love humanity has ever experience – GOD’s LOVE.
I’m very sure that at one point in your life, you must have heard about God’s love, or that Jesus loves you. Oh well, if you are among those that have heard nothing of such, I’m here to tell you with my little human understanding about the depth, height, width and breadth of the love of Jesus for you. Yes, you!
And just if you’ve heard it and you still totally can’t grasp the concept, please keep reading.
There is a verse of the scripture that talks about how much Jesus loves us, so much and he came to die for us. These days, I think this verse of the scripture has become so clichĂ©, people almost know the next line coming after Jesus loves you that they don’t really understand how weighty that statement is.
But then, my question is how many of you would love someone so dearly, to the extent of disregarding the person’s mistakes, wrong doings and flaws and still be willing to die in place of the person, if the need arises. Is there anyone? No one! Of course, I don’t think I would do same.
Let’s break it down a bit, your spouse of 15 years has been everything sweet to you and then he /she wakes up one day to realize you have been living a lie! You are a cheat, a liar, a murderer, a thief; think of anything bad that comes to your mind.
It gets more interesting, you are not in any way remorseful and you are not willing to turn a new leaf, or tender an explanation, neither asks for forgiveness and the next thing spouse says is: I love you still and I want to walk you through and out of this. At that point you might just want to run away because that’s absolutely off.
But guess what? That exactly is how God loves you regardless of what you have done or who you are, a drug addict, a masturbator, a fornicator, a murderer, a liar, names it! And that exactly is why he gave his only begotten son as redemption for our sins.
Let’s check this out:
For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
If you were the only one in the world, guess what? He would have still given his only son to die for You. He loves you too much he doesn’t want you to perish in sin and so he gave his only son, so that you can have eternal life.
Let me show you another dimension to this love that Christ has for you: But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8)
He cared so much for you even before you were born, he knew you were going to lie, he knew you were going to kill, he knew you were going to steal, he knew you would fornicate, he knew all of these things, yet he went ahead to lay down his life. So, no matter how far you think you have gone deep into sins, hence your reason for running away from God, I would love to inform you that he knew you would go that far, yet he still chose to die for you.
What does that show? It shows how much love he has for you, how much he wants you saved. So, instead of running away because of shame and guilt, why not run into the loving arms of the father, wide enough to receive you and wrap you in his arms and cleanse you of your sin. He still loves you regardless and wants a relationship with you.
Let him help ease those burdens off your shoulders. “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you REST.” Matthew 11:28 NKJV
And so, he is ready to give you rest, rest on all sides, even as you drop every weight that sin has brought you and embrace the love the father has for you.
Freely he has given; all you need do is receive his love_ the gift of his son.
Want to experience this kind of fierce love?
 Say this word of prayer:
“Thank you lord Jesus for coming to save the world from sin. Lord Jesus, I believe in your birth, death and resurrection and that you came to die for me and I receive this precious gift of salvation.
I accept you into my life and I ask that you be Lord over the affairs of my life. Amen.”
And that’s it! I love you, but my love for you can’t be compared to Jesus’ love for you.

Article By Omoh Elizabeth
YouTube: Lizzylass Vlog.
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