How to Come out of Depression
Depression is a predominant disorder impacting thousands to millions of people in the world today with spirit of deep sadness, sorrow, and anxiety. Many believers are under this yoke. They are trapped in this condition possibly due to lots of emotional and physical challenges and obstacles that they are facing on daily basis. It incapacitates potentials and talents. While the world is trying to figure out how to treat and handle this affliction, I want to let you know that depression is not just a physical problem; it is basically a spiritual issue.
Depression is a spirit (demonic presence) that works together with spirit of addiction, drug abuse, suicide, and spirit of death. It functions along with the spirit of anxiety and has taken so many beautiful, handsome, and brilliant people to their early grave. That is why we have to ruthless deal with it and consciously work out of it as fast as we can. I decree that every spirit of depression threatening your existence on earth is hereby roasted in Jesus’ name.
The most important to way to come out of depression include the following.
- To accept Christ and His loving kindness towards you. This is the most important step and decision you can make in your life to work out of depression. Christ is a burden bearer and burden lifter. This means that no matter how big the load you are carrying is, He takes it off from you. He knows what you’re going through with and he’s there to help you if you can let him in. Christ said in His word “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). He gives peace and makes ways where there are none. I remember in my case when I finished my secondary school (high school), to get admission into the university became so tough as I did so many entrance exams all to no avail. One day, I was so troubled and depressed because all my friends had gotten admission. I started to seclude and isolate myself from people. One day out of my depressed state, I said “I give it all back to you Lord, do with me as you would. Take over my life and everything concerning me”. At that very instant peace and joy returned to me. The next exam I took landed me into the University of which I graduated with a First-Class Honors. Today, I am doing my doctorate degree and at the same time lecturing in at one of the choicest University in the world. I am a lovely wife and a mother of four lovely kids. You can as well take that step of faith today by saying “Lord Jesus, come into my life and be my Lord and Savior”.
- Refuse to be anxious of anything. Be open, joyful and accept your condition. This has to do with contentment. The scripture says “But godliness with contentment is great gain. We came into this world with nothing, and we can’t take anything out of it. So be okay for where you are, whether you have food, clothing relationship, career, money, and many more, be content with that. Let no condition depress you. For instance, I have heard of people who fought cancer by being joyful and guess what, they conquered it. They never let anything depress them. Be happy and laugh frequently, it is a good medicine. Don’t forget that where you are now is somebody’s prayer request. They are asking God “when can I get to the level where you are now”
- Don’t be too fast to get success. This has to do with patience. Know that problems and challenges are the food for success, so you need to patiently try repeatedly. Don’t give up on yourself. You will fall into depression when you want success too quickly, but you end up in failures. Successful people are the ones with so many failures, but they never let their failures define, depress, or stop them. People who want quick wealth fall into temptations and are trapped into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.
- Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Give your life to Christ and face your faith squarely. Fight the good fight of the faith. Get hold of the eternal life to which you were called. Remember no man or career or money or whatever is worth dying for. Don’t take your life because of any condition because that will land you into a terrible mess “eternal death in hell”. Depression can trigger reminiscences of bad emotions. You may discover that you are concentrating on the negative or odd incidences instead of the things that went right or well. At this point invite the Holy Spirit to help you fight this overgeneralization. Force yourself to acknowledge and appreciate the good things that life has offered you.

- Never Listen to the Voice of Depression: The spirit of depression speaks negative and unreasonable words into people’s head. Sometimes asking them to take their own lives. However, if you can figure out when this voice speaks to you, quickly replace it with the word of God. It is our weapon of warfare. Focus on each opinion independently as it occurs. See what the scripture says “2 Cor. 10: 3-6, for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”
Depression can be challenging and often lure you into detaching and withdrawing yourself from people – your family, friends, and associates. We are here to help you, if you need friends and family, we can provide you with a warmth acquaintance that will help wash away those tendencies. If you’re unable to spend time together with us in person, give us a phone calls or video chats. Let’s see how we can be help to you. Remember, you should interact.

Uloma Elvis-Offiah
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