The Artistic Expression Called Living
All aspects of life that are disturbing, exciting, and progressive are on a positive and negative scale that measures the beauty of life as you consider it.
One of my favorite places in New York City is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The MET offers an endless sense of adventure where you can immerse yourself in a variety of paintings, sculptures, and works of art. I recommend everyone in New Yorkto visit the museum for a few hours. I can sit in a gallery and look at a large picture painted by an artist born centuries ago and fall into the world of what that artist is trying to convey. Each generation of artists is important to history in its own right, and each generation carries on in the way they tell their story using the same artistic style that we all have.
The moment we step out of a museum we bought a ticket to, such as the MET, we punch in another ticket as the painter in real-time. Embracing our inner painter means we can change our reality by utilizing the artistic elements of this life.
A life’s painter, which is a gift granted to anyone the moment they open their eyes, learns to appreciate our creative essence, allowing us to find meaning and purpose in a more fun and colorful way. The fact that we are breathing and can use our basic senses allows us to step out of one museum and into an infinitely bigger one that we can make as beautiful as our passions choose to make it.
The museum, known as conscious awareness, where we exist with other self-discovering identities on their artistic journey, provides a giant canvas to have fun.
Everything in this physical experience is the first surface layer of beauty and a deeper spiritual reach when we use our artistic and spiritual eyes. Music, food, philosophy, religion, and other aspects of the palette can create works of art based on a collection of colorful and pure individual stories to express an appreciation of history. Regardless of our skin color, political views, and the country we were born in, from our language to the molecules that make us up to the painters we are meant to be in this world, we are unique. This life is a great circle of death and birth and the goddesses are placed in the fabric of society to be exploited.
We are happier when we see ourselves as unfinished projects, projects that can be improved upon. No one is too young or too old to learn and improve. Our art and the things we leave behind are incomplete until we move on to the next fun experience to create ourselves. The cement will remain wet until the end of our time here. When we pass on the cement dries, and those who love us wipe their eyes so we can live in the memory of what we left behind.
Even if ancient temples dry up in the forest, or footprints on the beach are washed away by the sea, it is an honor and a privilege to leave works of art because this world is lonely. The sand on the hourglass runs from north to south. Each grain of sand, each mineral, takes several seconds to extract art from life.
Technology makes each generation of inventors more intelligent, capable, and confident in advancing our species. Each invention has its own charm for practical purposes, and all people want to preserve their memories, transfer wireless internet waves to new places receive information without walking, and develop our memories as style The beauty of technology inspires us, the ability to focus on a higher form of consciousness. When fiction becomes a myth we use more of our artistic power to do what we thought was impossible through beautiful code designs.
If we look past the electronic currents and computers that work to create digital and increase our limitations, we can see how the natural world gives us the art we use. Gardens full of fruits and vegetables represent all the colors of health and nutrition that our bodies need. We can harvest forests and riches where the green world dances with the wind and flows artfully. We see the calmness of nature as the vegetation speaks to us in the faint sounds of time. The same is true of human cultures around the world. The dance, the food, and the language paint a picture of a loving family. In history, we can find the seeds of creative ideas that come from stories that people have passed down from relatives.
The more we look at art, the more we join our brothers and sisters in this family journey of self-exploration and artistic expression of reality. Growing as a person and in our stages of development also allows us to create art through the growth of the mind. The emotions of happiness, sadness, anger, and love are brushstrokes that make life more beautiful with each stroke.
All aspects of life that are disturbing, exciting, and progressive are on a positive and negative scale that measures the beauty of life as you consider it. working towards better art. It’s always scary to pick up a brush and make that first stroke unique. We never know if the expression of our creative dreams will be ignored or rejected. We must learn to be beautiful inside and out as a masterpiece of models with the authority to be beautiful. With each stroke, we spray our vulnerabilities and passions onto the canvas, serving our ultimate mission of bringing art to the museum. Embrace life as art.
Written By
Colon Michael
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