Fight Procrastination
Procrastination prevents you from getting up, making the right decisions, and living the dream you have in mind.
Sometimes, almost always we feel that we are not doing the work that is expected of us at the appointed time. Work is delayed or postponed until the last minute.
I am also guilty of this very act. When I ought to be working on an assignment, with the clock ticking towards the deadline, I will be doing something entirely different or irrelevant from the particular task at hand. I know I am not alone on this.
We can see a student who postpones studying for an exam until the night before, despite wanting to study earlier. Likewise, a person who has months to submit an important application, but delays until the day before the deadline to work on it, despite repeatedly promising him/herself that they will do it soon.
Similarly, a person planning to start a new habit e.g. dieting, exercising, or saving money but instead making excuses to wait for months, even though they know that it would be better to just start, or promising yourself that you will start a project either writing a book or building a business one day or sometimes soon, but never make any progress towards it and instead just fantasize about your future success.
If you find yourself in any of the above categories, then you are procrastinating and not being lazy. Procrastination means delaying or postponing an action or set of actions. When we procrastinate, not only do we realize that we are avoiding doing something, but that doing it is a bad idea. However, we are still working on it. Procrastination can hurt your business, brand, and life.
One of the reasons people procrastinate is because they think they need to be motivated or inspired to do something at a certain time. The truth is, there is no time to be in the right frame of mind to do anything because it will never come and never get done. Others believe that they work better under pressure because they are challenged and motivated. This causes them to delay until the last minute.
Another reason to ease their feelings. Yes, to avoid the negative aspects of work such as boredom, anxiety, uncertainty, depression, resentment, and self-doubt. As a result, people don’t care about anything, don’t know what to do, don’t want to do anything, or don’t care when something is done. It also delays work because it is difficult to make decisions and act on them.
According to Dr. Tim Pschyl, procrastination is an emotional regulation problem, not a time management problem. Another reason for procrastination is that people are more motivated by instant or immediate rewards than by long-term rewards. Most people prefer immediate payments over future payments. For example, the immediate cost of lying on the couch watching an exciting movie is greater than the long-term cost of studying for an exam that takes longer to complete.
People also procrastinate because they don’t value time. Everyone has a limited amount of time on earth. With that in mind, time is the most valuable asset you have. It’s not money; Unlike time, you can borrow money, save, or earn more money. You can’t do it with time.
Every single second you waste is gone forever. It is very important to value time and use it wisely. Seneca said, “Life is lost when we waste time in worry and procrastination.”
Procrastination also occurs when a person lacks the discipline and control to pursue their goals and objectives. Procrastination prevents you from getting up, making the right decisions, and living the dream you have in mind.
Here are ways we can overcome procrastination
1. Have a to-do list daily
2. Set specific and realistic goals
3. Make the consequences of procrastination more immediate
4. Eliminate distractions
5. Implement your plan
I will end with what Roy Bennett said, “Don’t let procrastination take over your life. Be brave and take risks. Your life is happening right now.”
Written By
Monica Erabere
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