There will be a new heaven and a new earth, for the first ones will be no more and no more sea. New Jerusalem will come down from heaven, prepared as a bride for her husband. The overcomers will inherit all but sinners will have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone and this is the second death.
For those who believe, they will have their place in heaven with Jesus.
Revelation 20:4-15; 21:1-8
The saints will reign with Jesus for 1,000 years. Those who were martyred for the sake of Jesus, and had not received the mark of the beast, or worshiped the beast or his idol, they will live and reign with Jesus for a thousand years. But the rest of the dead will not live again until the thousand years are over. After the thousand years are over, satan will be released and he will deceive the nations and gather them to battle. They will surround the camp of the saints and the beloved city, BUT GOD will destroy them with the fire of heaven. The devil will be cast into the lake of fire with the beast and the false prophet and they will be tormented forever and ever. The dead will be judged, small and great according to the Book of Life. The dead will be judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. The sea will give up its dead as well as Death and Hades. And they were all judged according to their works, by the things which were in the book. Then Death and Hades were cast in to the fire and this was the second death.
There will be a new heaven and a new earth, for the first ones will be no more and no more sea. New Jerusalem will come down from heaven, prepared as a bride for her husband. The overcomers will inherit all but sinners will have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone and this is the second death.
This is simple, if you examine Matthew 24, that we are living in the time of troubles. Earthquakes in diverse places, wars and rumors of wars. People love themselves more than they love others, easily offended. There are those who will do whatever it takes to seek revenge and destroy others lives. There is pornography, abuse of all kinds and sorts. Witchcraft can now be found in the churches across America. Hearts have grown cold towards the heart and the things of God, yet the Sovereign God has projected a plan with us in mind. His thoughts are for a plan a future. All that is transpiring now, wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famine etc. (Matthew 24).God knows ultimately,He has already said He has a plan for us. A plan that is good and for our future (Jeremiah 29:11).
Think on this, Jesus the embodiment of God Himself, being God came to earth in human form, carrying within His bosom, the plan of reconciliation. A plan that included a “bride”, a groom, heaven and all it contains. It is a promise to those that believe and confess Jesus as Lord of their lives and believe that God raised Him from the dead on the third day you will be saved (see Romans 10:9, 10).
Hebrews 12:4 tells us the word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even unto the division of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intent of the heart. The Word of God does not lie, it displays the condition of the human heart as a mirror reflects the man.In other words, what are you reflecting?
Revelation 21:7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.
As you know that God is a good father, and if he asks for bread will He give him a stone (see Matthew 7:9)? Of course not! God knows how to give good things/gifts to those who ask Him!
As simple as I can write it…The Lord is coming quickly, Revelation 22:7). It is important to take God as His Word. He is not a liar. It is impossible for God to lie. There are two things God cannot do, that is lie and fail. You may not understand the purpose or why something happen. That does not mean that God is bad or He doesn’t hear you. In all actuality, He is all seeing and all knowing. He promised He would never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Not only be a hearer and a doer of the Word of God so that you will not be deceived (James 1:22,23). You are an overcomer, you overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony. Trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding acknowledge Him in all your ways and He shall direct your path (Proverbs 3:5,6).Don’t do life in your own strength. Stay close to God, study the scriptures for yourself, know the voice of God. The roaring lion is out to deceive you with his lies. He knows he has but a short time. If I may say, we are in a different time. I do not foresee things being as they once were. We must prepare for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In all the turmoil we experience now, lean in close, remember the promises of God, share the gospel and only believe. Remember this we win!

Davina Stallworth
Author: Shift! From fear to Faith!
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