Sad woman sitting alone, woman on the bed, stress, suicidal thoughts, human trafficking
We must understand that God’s timetable is not our timetable.
Waiting for a particular thing in our life can be the hardest thing to do sometimes, no one likes to wait; either waiting in line at the fuel station, at the grocery store or even in traffic etc. Waiting periods are periods that a lot of people do not find funny because they do not have the patience to wait that long for whatever they are expecting.
This can be seen in our lives when it has to do with our faith, which invariably means trusting God; trusting God for a job, child, house, finance, one breakthrough or the other. Some people find waiting periods challenging and also lack patience. This makes them give up on God and His promises to them concerning that issue. It could be a result of them wanting it the “quick way”.
What then is Patience? Someone defined patience as the ability to endure discomfort without complaint thus waiting is not always comfortable. This shows other virtue like self-control, humility and generosity. It is also the ability to wait without getting upset and angry over the situation at hand.
Sometimes, when God make us wait for a particular thing, it’s because he wants to build our character and perhaps it isn’t the right time for us to possess those things we so much desire at that particular time –then God puts us in His waiting room. He loves us enough to give us what we need rather than what we want. We must understand that God’s timetable is not our timetable.
If you are in the waiting room, it doesn’t mean God has forgotten you or left you hanging. It goes to show that He is building something in you; He is developing the strength of your character.
Waiting is part of God’s plan and purpose in our lives and resisting God’s timing and trying to get ahead of the Lord can have serious consequences. Time is not wasted in God’s waiting room. In those waiting times, God teaches and makes us something.
Take a cue from the story of Abraham in the bible, God promised to make him the father of many nations, He promised to bless him with a child, but this promise took 25 years before it came to pass. Time does not limit God’s power. Now Abraham and Sarah were not patient enough to trust God and wait for this promise to be fulfilled. They compromised and we know the consequences of that action today. In the end, the Lord did that which he said he would do.
Know that the word of God does not go back to him void. Once He has said it, He will do it. The Lord has not forgotten you. He knows you are in the waiting room and he will fulfill that which he has said concerning you. Trust the Lord with all of your heart and wait patiently for him. Do not comprise. Patience builds our faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
The waiting room and having patience with the Lord, build our faith in the Lord. It makes our faith grow stronger and it makes us have unwavering faith. The waiting room is where God tests our commitment and grows our faith. It is where we prepare for the next step of our journey.
What do you do in the waiting room? You pray! Engage in prayers and the word of God. Let the word of God comfort you.

Erabere Monica
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