For those of us who are “struggling”; struggling to believe, have faith, trust completely in Christ, walk in the spirit and the list goes on. We will be used by the Holy Spirit.
The Call to Intimacy with God…
- Prayerlessness
- Selfishness
- Confusion
- Doubt
- Unbelief
- Unforgiveness
These are just a few problems that believers in Jesus Christ are encountering today. The enemy distracts with so many things it sometimes is hard to breathe! With the calamity of today’s society, beating its lies, distractions, drama over our heads on a daily basis, many have grown cold. They have now become complainers, backbiters, gossipers and the like. Seemingly to be more like the world, unrecognizable in its bridal fare.
I hear constantly, God is saying: “Come to me”. Come sit with me and fellowship with me; read my word and get to know me.
However, many are not answering the call. Hearts, ears and eyes have been clogged by flesh and the enemy. Many refuse to listen to the still small voice and sometimes the very obvious signs of “the Call”.
What happens when the call to “endure hardness as a good soldier” go unheeded? Or when the Lord says, “I will instruct you, I will teach you” (Psalm 32:8), and there is no response? How can the “ecclesia” (the church) rise up if there is no one to rise up?
For those of us who are “struggling”; struggling to believe, have faith, trust completely in Christ, walk in the spirit and the list goes on. We will be used by the Holy Spirit. We simply will not push away from the table. We may look at ourselves and say, “I can do better”. I need to pray more etc. We will continue to fight, even as doubt about our identity in Christ will try to hinder us. The enemy is throwing every possible dart he can but we will march forward knowing our home is heaven.
The question has arisen, “if two or more are gathered in My name there I AM in the midst of them,”. As all of this is going on, people seem to be so mediocre, apathetic, asleep towards the plan of God, how can the war be won? The bible says the war is not with flesh and blood, but against principalities in high places. (Ephesians 6).
Are basic principles and basic foundations of Christianity being taught? Why do people not study the Word of God for themselves and let go of the “flesh”? The enemy will be here in this realm for a certain period, but do people really understand that he is already defeated? There are too many believers lying by the side of the road, asking for a handout and not a hand up.
If a seasoned believer seeks assistance in their maturity and development for the building of the Kingdom of God, why do they cast out what has been said, taught or given to help them mature in the things of Christ? I admit, I have not been perfect. I look at myself first and try to ascertain why I have such a hard time with the very same things. Is it that I am waiting on God to step down from heaven and say, “Davina, go pray, go study etc.” When He knows He has placed within me to do what I am created to do.
As the body of Christ prays for apathy to be removed, will the Lord come back during this time and find the brides with the lamps full of oil? Or will he find the bride asking for oil, not prepared to receive the bridegroom? Will he find us asleep?
While we are arguing with political and human rights, are we also on our knees praying for the lost? Praying that God will grant us strength, staying power to help those who fall away? Can we stand and truly say we refuse to turn over to the world system, by looking, smelling and acting like the world? Does the world know the difference between secular and Christian?
Albeit, does it matter to the world in the first place? Probably not. What do those, it seems to be very few, who chose to stand with Christ and teach and preach do? We continue to follow after Christ, with everything within us. Not in our own strength, but with the Holy Spirit our friend and comforter. Jesus has already paid the price. What are we waiting for?

What does intimacy look like?
Intimacy is fellowship, communication, and friendship. If there is someone that you are interested in, how would connect with that person? You would find out how to reach them; how to talk and communicate with them. You would keep searching until you found a way to connect with them.
Intimacy is beautiful. It is the still small voice of the Lord calling you to “come away” and spend time with Him. Our precious Holy Spirit, like the Father who waited for his prodigal son to come home, He waits for us. He wants to share His plan for our lives, our assignments, His heart, and His Word. It is a time of resting in His presence, laying at His feet and listening, journaling and reading the bible.
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and KNOW that I AM God.” There is so much in this statement, but simple enough to say, quiet yourself, your mind, your thoughts and sit and know Me. Know Me through fellowship with Me, reading and studying the Word of God, which has the answers you seek. Come and receive revelation and insight of this powerful Word of Mine. I am here to give you wisdom, so that you will have understanding of the times, your lives and the season that has come upon you.
I AM here ready to impart into you wisdom and knowledge beyond your years. I AM here to bring peace to your soul. I AM the answer that you seek. Come and sit with Me. Cast all your cares upon Me because I do care for you. Come and sit and you will hear My heart beat just for you. Come and listen, put away all the things that distract you. Come away and enjoy fellowship with Me. I have been waiting for you for a very long time. Come away…
The ball is in your court. It is your time to make a choice. Today is the day to choose whom you will serve. Spend time with the Lord He is waiting on you.
Until next time…
It is in Him I live and move and have my being (Acts 17:28)

Davina Stallworth
Author, Shift from fear to Faith
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