We were not designed to burn the candle at both ends for long periods of time

According to Ecclesiastes 9:11,

“The race is not given to the swift or to the strong but to the one who endures to the end”.

In this verse, we find the reference to strong meaning having physical strength. But it goes on to say that the race is won by the one who endures till the end. Endurance, perseverance, getting knocked down and getting back up; these are the attributes of strength that this verse also alludes to. And this is what we need to finish 2022 strong. But not only do we need this mindset at the end of the year, we need it at the end of every day, week, and hour. We need to finish our lives with strong determination, strength, minds, spirits and bodies!

Ralph Waldo Emerson is quoted as saying, “Be healthy, wealthy, and wise because the first wealth is health”. I live by the motto: My “Health is My Wealth”. Some may say that this is a known cliché, but it must remain in the forefront of our consciousness if we are to live a life of intentionality and purpose that allows us to finish strong.

In my life, I talk to myself like I talk to the people I mentor and coach. After all, I must practice what I preach. To me, it almost seems prophetic: take care of and steward your mental, physical, spiritual, financial, health life and relationships and you will finish strong. Taking care of our bodies is as important as taking care of our finances, our relationships, our minds, and our spirits.

The Bible tells us that “out of the heart flow the issues of life”. We want to “live long and prosper”, as Dr. Spock once said on the television show, Star Trek. I go on to say that in order to prosper, our hearts must be after God’s own heart. Our hearts must reflect His values and teachings. We want to “get our grind on”, get ahead, and be an influencer but without health, getting ahead often won’t be important or enjoyable in the long run. 

We were not designed to burn the candle at both ends for long periods of time. Our body’s clock, our heart rate, the healthy milestone markers and guidelines for health are meant to help us live a life of health consciousness so that we may have endurance and be successful in our lives and relationships. So, let’s strive to be wealthy and successful in ways other than our wallets. 

Don’t get me wrong. Having money is nice, provides access, and provides the means to advance God’s kingdom. But, let’s strive with intentionality and determination to be healthy enough to accomplish our purpose in life and truly enjoy the things that money, education, and even status provides access to.

I will be sponsoring a Finish Strong Challenge and Conference and hope that you will join me. Information will be provided beginning October 1, 2022 through media, my ‘All Things Laster Lifestyle’ show on Elevation TV network and my digital platforms.

You may also sign up at Why? This is because so many mindlessly trade their time for money; many inadvertently or mindlessly trade their health for money. But poor health is often an accumulation of poor habits, poor decisions, and is the thief of our precious time resulting in low energy, illness, absences from work, hospital stays, and even early deaths. In other words, we have not been intentional about our life, endurance, and strong finish.

Let’s take control of our lives; our mental, physical, and spiritual health; our finances; be a good steward of our time and bodies; and not be afraid of leaving our comfort zones when it comes to diet, exercise, and mindsets. 

My next series of shows, articles, and blogs will address the detrimental mindsets, the achievable mastery of our health, and our power and ability to make the necessary changes to live long and prosper. The Finish Strong Challenge will truly challenge you to be intentional and develop or wake up that “I’ve got this” mindset! Begin to ask yourself today:

  • What am I leaving behind as my health legacy inheritance?
  • How can I avoid impulsive health spending?
  • How can I make wiser decisions?

The Challenge will be collaboration among many partners and networks with ‘Laster All Things LifeStyle’ who knows the value of perseverance and purpose in life. Won’t you decide today to intentionally invest in your health with longevity and the future in mind?

I look forward to partnering with you to finish 2022 Strong  and begin 2023 even stronger! We’ve got this!! So, let’s show up and produce stronger mindsets, stronger families, stronger churches, and stronger communities. Until the next issue, intentionally choose to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

You may reach me at; the All Things Laster Lifestyle Show on the Elevation Television Network Wednesdays at 3 PM, or just Google me :). Be blessed.

Rena Canady-Laster

Transformational Life Coach, Speaker and Trainer

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