Pursuit of Destiny Revealed
Gifted Leaders-Cover Story
Hurry, hurry, hurry and understand that you are destined. Not only are you destined but God is revealing unto you purpose. The mighty hand of God is upon you and your life! Destiny is the plan that God has for each of our lives. It’s so amazing and comforting to know that God has a goal especially for you!
Destiny – the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
Destiny- the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.
Destiny is calling you and you have actually been walking towards it your entire life! Your steps have been and are ordered and orchestrated by God. We are divinely living out the masterpiece that God created for us all. From the very begining and even until now God has been working his plan for us. Before you were formed in your mother’s womb destiny was already put inside your DNA. We are not a surprise but we are destined to be alive.
It took me many years to recognize and comprehend that my entire life was playing out like a best seller book or movie. We are the star actor in this thing called life. Everything in every situation, every mishap and in every mistake God was always directing us. He was leading us to our purpose that he already had planned. Our losses, mistakes they all are working for our good. Those events have played a part in the purpose that is our lives. Everything has been for reason and not wasted. Nothing we have experienced or is experiencing would be for nothing. God is using it all to get us to where we suppose to be. Destiny is shaping us to be who God called us to be. It’s enabling us to finish the plan that God has for us and that is called destiny. We’re here and lived through such trying times. It may have felt that you had gotten broken and beaten. Yet God has sustained us, kept us and not killed us. Doing our greatest moments of defeat God lifted us out of it and strengthened us and we did not perish. We have survived and thank God he did not allow us to faint or give up. I thought it was over. But even in that, deep down, in my heart and deep down in my soul and mind God let me see that it was not over. It wasn’t over because he was not done with me. In my mind, heart and conscience God spoke and let me know that it was more. God told me to live on, fight on because he had destiny for me. I held on to the word of God with a death grip. After the greatest storm of my life when my husband was diagnosed with stage IV cancer I wrote my first book, “Fierce”.
This book encouraged people to be fierce, strong, hold on and remain with God no matter what they was going through. It became its own movement in its own right. “Fierce” is a movement in my life and the many lives of others. Because of the obedience in writing my first book “Fierce” we have been able to present to you what was birthed: Fierce, Fierce TV, Fierce Radio Network -LAM Broadcast, Deborah Allen Ministries, LAM International ~ Ladies Advocating Ministries International, Visionary Coaching & Consulting Group LLC (VCCG) and finally Fiercely Devoted ~ Devotional is being penned. We pursued destiny and because of that our destiny/dreams have now been revealed!!!
Pursuit of Destiny Revealed – Prophetess Deborah Allen
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