Common Errors When Writing Articles And How To Avoid Them.
Common Errors When Writing Articles And How To Avoid Them.
Article writing is an art that requires skill, accuracy, and attention to detail.
Common Errors When Writing Articles And How To Avoid Them.
Article writing is an art that requires skill, accuracy, and attention to detail.
Gift of Life: Witness of Hope, Faith, and Gratitude”
Let’s appreciate every moment, embrace every moment, and live with a good heart.
The Lord loves us abundantly. This love is evident in the price Jesus paid for our reconciliation with the Father.
Redemption: God’s Perfect Plan of Love
In the world of advertising, writing for magazines offers a unique opportunity to reach a wide audience, share your voice, and express your opinion.
Career development is a lifelong journey that requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and continuous learning.
The story of Mary and Martha serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of keeping the first thing first in our lives. By prioritizing our relationship with God, we can avoid a victim mentality, take responsibility for our choices, and find fulfillment in aligning our actions with His will. Let us learn from Mary’s example and make intentional efforts to sit at Jesus’ feet, allowing His teachings to guide our lives.
Just like a valuable item that has been broken into pieces, our gifts can still be repaired and put back together. God’s grace and love are always available to restore and renew what has been damaged or neglected. It is never too late to pick up the pieces and start using our gifts again.
Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is more than a Christian holiday or a Christian festival. It is an opportunity to pause and give thanks for the love, hope, and joy found in Jesus – our Saviour and friend. As we exchange gifts with loved ones, it is out of remembrance of the gift God gave us in Jesus. The gift is that we are loved, are never alone, and can have hope for the future.
People also procrastinate because they ignore the value of time. Everyone has a limited time to spend on earth. In light of this, time is the most valuable commodity you have. It’s not money; unlike time, you can borrow money, save, or earn more. You can’t do that with time. Every single second you waste is gone forever. It is important you value time and use it wisely. Seneca said, “While we waste our time hesitating and postponing, life is slipping away.”
Galatians 5:22 speaks of fruit of the spirit. Does your potential soul-mate exhibit these signs? Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness and faithfulness? I do believe that God can change the heart of any person, but is that person willing to be changed?