J. Hope Dodson Story
Gifted Across Generations
My name is Jacqualine Hope Dodson. I go by my middle name, Hope. My name has a story behind it, but before I go into the story let me tell a little bit about me. I am a new author, and a minister. I love to travel with my dad. We are both ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a friendly person and I love my family. My family is very supportive of me. They are fun to be around. I love to have fun with my family. We love each other. I am proud auntie of a 2 years old baby boy. I love to encourage and help other people. I love to be around other people. The ministry is my heart. I love to have fun and to be funny. I enjoy loving life. So many asked me why I smile so much, when I go through so much? I smile so much because Jesus is my joy. The things of this world isn’t my cup of tea, but I enjoy the things of God. I do love to make people laugh and smile. I find joy in everything I do or go though. I been through a lot in 22 years of living.

I want to share the story behind my name, Hope. I also go by minister or author. I wear many hats in my life. Some of my many hats are, daughter, minister, auntie, author. I love what I do in life. Many say that I give hope to other people around me. I love to give hope to those who come around me. When I was born, I died three times. The doctors said I wouldn’t live, they said I wouldn’t do anything for myself if I did. I held my head up for the first time at 6-month-old. I started crawling around 1 year old. I was 2 years old when they were told I had Cerebral Palsy. At the age of 3 years old, I started walking with a walker. At the age of 5 years old I started talking and I haven’t stop yet. I don’t plan on stop talking because I have a lot to talk about. I must tell about the greatness of my God.
I went to public school for a little while. I had a love for school for little bit until I was bullied. I have overcome the bullied that I went through in school. In my tenth grade I started to homeschool. I loved to homeschool. I also took art classes while I was going through homeschool. In my senior year I was going through a spiritual a battle. I had seizures and I would had up to nine seizures a day. One day God healed me from seizures. I have been seizures free for close to three years now. I met some great people in my senior year. One of my best friends came from my senior year. One night at dinner with my senior class, I had a few people tell me they never seen a prophetess until they saw me. I tried to run from that calling until they said that. I graduation and walk with my class in May of 2015. I was a proud somebody.

I was raised up in a Pentecostal home. My dad is a preacher and used to pastor for some years. He would always get me up in front of the church to help him preach. When I was ten, I accepted Jesus Christ to be my personal Savior. I got filled with the sweet Holy Ghost at the age of 12 years old. I was called into the ministry at the age of 13 years old. I was called into the prophecy ministry at the young age of 16 years old. I tried to run from the calls on my life. The reason I tried to run is because of my speech then the Lord spoke to me and said I used Moses I can use you! Since the day the Lord called me into ministry, Ministry has been and still is my heart until today. Ministry is what I enjoy doing. I love seeing people being saved and filled with the sweet Holy Ghost. I also love seeing people blessed and touched by the power of the almighty God. I minister in word and in song. I also do some ministry in sign and drama. I have compassion with everything I do for my Lord. I look forward to walking in the ministry that God has called me to do. Ministry isn’t always easy, but it is worth it! I enjoy seeing the ways that God moves in the ministry.
I don’t see myself more holy or more righteous than anyone else. I just love to be humble before God and man. I love to be a servant to other people. I love to help and encourage others in life. I love to be honest before my God and before man. I love to talk about Jesus and his greatness. I can also talk about other things as well. I do put God as number one in my life.
My name is Jacqualine Hope Dodson. I go by my middle name, Hope. My name has a story behind it, but before I go into the story let me tell a little bit about me. I am a new author, and a minister. I love to travel with my dad. We are both ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a friendly person and I love my family. My family is my whole world. I am proud auntie of a 2 years old baby boy. I love to encourage and help other people. I love to be around other people. The ministry is my heart. I love to have fun and to be funny. I enjoy loving life. So many asked me why I smile so much, when I go through so much? I smile so much because Jesus is my joy. The things of this world ismy cup of tea, but I enjoy the things of God. I do love to make people laugh and smile. I find joy in everything I do or go though. I been through a lot in 22 years of living.
I want to share the story behind my name, Hope. I also go by minister or author. I wear many hats in my life. Many say that I give hope to other people around me. When I was born, I died three times. The doctors said I wouldn’t live, they said I wouldn’t do anything for myself if I did. I held my head up for the first time at 6-month-old. I started crawling around 1 year old. I was 2 years old when they were told I had Cerebral Palsy. At the age of 3 years old, I started walking with a walker. At the age of 5 years old I started talking and I haven’t stop yet.
I was raised up in a Pentecostal home. My dad is a preacher and used to pastor for some years. He would always get me up in front of the church to help him preach. When I was ten, I accepted Jesus Christ to be my personal Savior. I got filled with the sweet Holy Ghost at the age of 12 years old. I was called into the ministry at the age of 13 years old. I was called into the prophecy ministry at the young age of 16 years old. I tried to run from the calls on my life. The reason I tried to run is because of my speech then the Lord spoke to me and said I used Moses I can use you! Since the day the Lord called me into ministry, Ministry has been and still is my heart until today. Ministry is what I enjoy doing. I love seeing people being saved and filled with the sweet Holy Ghost. I also love seeing people blessed and touched by the power of the almighty God. I minister in word and in song. I also do some ministry in sign and drama. I have compassion with everything I do for my Lord. I look forward to walking in the ministry that God has called me to do. Ministry isn’t always easy, but it is worth it! I enjoy seeing the ways that God moves in the ministry.

I don’t see myself more holy or more righteous than anyone else. I just love to be humble before God and man. I love to be a servant to other people. I love to help and encourage others in life. I love to be honest before my God and before man. I love to talk about Jesus and his greatness. I can also talk about other things as well. I do put God as number one in my life.
I want to share a little bit about my first book that I wrote. My book is called The Journey of Life. This book was written by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and under the anointing. There are seven reasons I wrote this book. The first reason is to give God all the glory and honor out of my life. The second reason is to show other people that God is real. The third reason is to show the way of salvation because I believe salvation is so important. The fourth reason to show that the power of God is real. I believe that knowing that the power of God is real is important. The fifth reason is to show others that God never leave nor forsake us. We all go through hard times in our lives that sometime make us question God. The sixth reason I wrote this book is to show the love of God. I believe it is important to show the love of God. The last reason is to encourage others along their journey of life.
I want to share a little bit about my first book that I wrote. My book is called The Journey of Life. This book was written by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and under the anointing. There are seven reasons I wrote this book. The first reason is to give God all the glory and honor out of my life. The second reason is to show other people that God is real. The third reason is to show the way of salvation because I believe salvation is so important. The fourth reason to show that the power of God is real. I believe that knowing that the power of God is real is important. The fifth reason is to show others that God never leave nor forsake us. We all go through hard times in our lives that sometime make us question God. The sixth reason I wrote this book is to show the love of God. I believe it is important to show the love of God. The last reason is to encourage others along their journey of life. This book tells about the darkest time in my life that God has brought me from. This book was written in a very hard time in my life. This is when God begun to remind of all the things he has done in my life.
J. Hope Dodson
About The Author
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